Spoštovane člane obveščamo, da je izvajalska agencija za zdravje in digitalno tehnologijo (HaDEA) je v okviru novega programa EU za zdravje za obdobje 2021–2027 (EU4HEALTH) 15. julija objavila pet razpisov za sofinanciranje projektov na področju zdravja v skupni vrednosti 19.000.000 EUR.



  • EU4H-2021-PJO1: Action grants on collection tasks in relation to updating the European Cancer Information System to monitor and assess cancer screening programmes  (podrt bo en ali več projektov v trajanju 18 mesecev)Datum odprtja: 29. 07. 2021
    Rok za oddajo prijave: 15. 09. 2021
    Zagotovljena sredstva: 2.000.000 EUR
    Cilji:support the structures and bodies responsible for collecting data on cancer screening in MS, helping the developement of the European Cancer Information System, through providing data and information on a regular base. 
  • EU4H-2021-PJO2: Action grants for inter-speciality cancer training programme (podrt bo en ali več projektov v trajanju 18 mesecev) 

    Datum odprtja: 29. 07. 2021
    Rok za oddajo prijave: 15. 09.2021
    Zagotovljena sredstva: 5.000.000 EUR
    Cilji: develop of inter-speciality training focused, in this call, on clinical oncology, surgery and radiology specialities, including their nursing services. At medium term a second phase of the training programme, taking stock of the results of this first phase, will be extended to patients’ quality of life and well-being, including mental, psychosocial and nutritional support.

  • EU4H-2021-PJO3: Action grants for a project on the quality and safety of radiation technology in diagnosis and treatment of cancer (podrtih bo do pet projektov v trajanju 24 mesecev) 

    Datum odprtja: 29. 07. 2021
    Rok za oddajo prijave:
    15. 09. 2021
    Zagotovljena sredstva:
    3.500.000 EUR
    Enhance the Quality and Safety and optimise radiation technology in medicine. This action will support the implementation of the Strategic Agenda for Medical Ionising Radiation Applications (SAMIRA, SWD(2021)14 final), and will be closely coordinated with other SAMIRA activities.

  • EU4H-2021-PJO4: Action grants for the EU Network of Youth Cancer Survivors (podrt bo en ali več projektov v trajanju 18 mesecev)
    Datum odprtja: 29. 07. 2021
    Rok za oddajo prijave: 15. 09. 2021
    Zagotovljena sredstva: 5.000.000
    Cilji: establishing the new ‘EU Network of Youth Cancer Survivors’ through federating the mentioned bodies to create a Union-wide platform to support the promotion of targeted actions and initiatives, covering the main areas which are of demonstrated benefit to improve the quality of life of young cancer survivors.


  • EU4H-2021-PJ-05: Action grants on substances of human origin (SoHO) – increase resilience, ensure continuity of supply and access to safe and high quality therapies, in particular in times of crisis (podrtih bo do pet projektov v trajanju 30 mesecev)Zagotovljena sredstva: 3.500.000 EUR
    Cilji: Need to improve resilience, ensure the continuity of supply, increase access, safety and quality of therapies, in particular in times of infectious disease outbreaks.
    Pričakovani rezultati: development and dissemination of good practices and guidance; contribution to a more sustainable supply and increased access to essential SoHO therapies without disruptions
    Upravičenci: Professional medical societies (with professional members from hospitals, transplant centres and blood/tissue establishments across the Union), member States’ authorities, consortia


Upravičeni prijavitelji: Na razpis se lahko prijavijo pravne osebe javnega in zasebnega prava iz držav upravičenk v okviru programa ukrepov Evropske unije na področju zdravja.

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