POZIV za pridobitev 50.000 EUR financiranja

 HealthChain vabi mala in srednja podjetja, ki delujejo na preseku IT in zdravstva, k soustvarjanju in preizkušanju digitalnih rešitev v sodelovanju z vodilnimi MSP-ji in zdravstvenimi organizacijami.

HealthChain, evropski projekt, ki ga financira Instrument I3, je odprl razpis za mala in srednja podjetja (MSP).  Išče se deset (10) spremljevalnih MSP-jev, ki bodo dopolnili strokovno znanje desetih (10) vodilnih MSP-jev in skupaj soustvarili rešitve za izzive v zdravstvu, ki so jih opredelile zdravstvene organizacije v konzorciju projekta:

Opredeljeni izzivi:

  • Servicio Murciano de Salud (Murcia, Španija)
    • K-control – Intenzivno spremljanje ravni kalija med dializami.
    • PASPADOC – Nov celostni način krepitve pacientov, ki trpijo za kroničnimi bolečinami.
  • Centro Hospitalar e Universitario de Coimbra (Centro, Portugalska)
    • Reabilitar@mente – Učinkovitost kognitivnih rehabilitacijskih programov za hospitalizirane starejše ljudi.
    • RecoMed – Povečanje varnosti pri uporabi zdravil na oddelku za plastično kirurgijo in opekline.
  • Kirurški Sanatorij Rožna Dolina (Zahodna Slovenija)
    • HIPRO – Izboljšanje varnosti in opolnomočenja pacientov pri hitrem okrevanju po operaciji kolka.
    • MEPRO – Izboljšanje varnosti pacientov z ocenjevanjem duševne stiske po operaciji.
  • Klinicki Bolnicki Centar Rijeka (Primorsko-Goranska, Hrvaška)
    • FallPredict – Spremljanje pacientov v realnem času med samostojnim gibanjem v bolnišnici.
    • MediLink – Lajšanje komunikacije med specialisti in družinskimi zdravniki na oddaljenih območjih.
  • Stichting Rijnstate Ziekenhuis (Vzhod, Nizozemska)
    • Digicare-Aware – Ozaveščanje zdravstvenih delavcev o nujnosti in možnostih daljinskega spremljanja pacientov ter »Virtualni center za oskrbo«.
    • DELSIS – Določanje obsega podpori življenjskega sloga za povečanje stopnje avtonomnosti pacientov.

Več informacij o vsakem opredeljenem izzivu najdete tukaj.

Koristi, ki jih pridobijo MSP-ji partnerji (ang.: Follower SME):

  • Skupno soustvarjanje in testiranje inovativne rešitve z vodilnim MSP za izziv, ki ga je opredelila zdravstvena organizacija v posamezni regiji.
  • Priložnost za delo v mednarodnem partnerstvu konzorcija HealthChain.
  • Dostop do financiranja v višini do 50.000 EUR brez lastnih finančnih vložkov.
  • Strokovna podpora pri poslovnem modeliranju in vpogledu v trg ter dostop do mrež, znanj in virov.
  • Mreženje z drugimi evropskimi MSP-ji in odkrivanje priložnosti za prihodnje projekte.

Kdo se lahko prijavi?

  • Prijavitelji morajo biti mala in srednje velika podjetja (MSP-ji).
  • MSP-ji morajo biti ustanovljeni v regijah, ki so že del konzorcija HealthChain. MSP-ji morajo biti iz druge regije HealthChain kot zdravstvena organizacija, ki predlaga izziv.
  • Upravičene regije: Murcia (Španija), Katalonija (Španija), Navarra (Španija), Castilla y León (Španija), Centro (Portugalska), Sever (Portugalska), katera koli regija v Sloveniji, katera koli regija na Hrvaškem, vzhod in zahod Nizozemske (Nizozemska), Zahodna Grčija, Flandrija (Belgija) in severozahodna Romunija.

Kako se prijaviti na razpis?

  • Preberite navodila za prijavitelje tukaj.
  • Prenesite osnutek prepozicije tukaj.
  • Izpolnite osnutek prepozicije in jo shranite v formatu PDF, ko je dokončana.
  • Pojdite na platformo F6S in izpolnite prijavni obrazec (prijavitelji morajo registrirati profil na F6S, da se lahko prijavijo). Naložite dokončan predlog v formatu PDF v prijavni obrazec in odgovorite na vsa obvezna vprašanja.
  • Oddajte prijavni obrazec.

Poziv HealthChain za MSP-je je odprt do 5. avgusta 2024, do 17:00 po srednjeevropskem času (CET).

Izbor bo temeljil na kriterijih: ustreznost, kakovost, stroškovna učinkovitost in potencialni učinki.

Informativni webinar – po regijah

Potekali bodo informativni webinarji v posameznih regijah, ki bo prijaviteljem zagotovil dodatne podrobnosti o razpisu, časovnici, postopku prijave itd.

HealthChain Call for SMEs: meet the Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka challenges, 25 June 2024, time: 11:30

HealthChain Call for SMEs: meet the Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra challenges, 26 June 2024, time: 12:00

HealthChain Call for SMEs: meet the Rijnstate challenges, 26 June 2024, time: 15:00

HealthChain Call for SMEs: meet the Surgical Centre Rožna Dolina challenges, 3 July 2024, time: 10:00

HealthChain Call for SMEs: meet the Servicio Murciano de Salud challenges, 9 July 2024, time: 10:00

O projektu HealthChain

Model HealthChain temelji na inovativnem pristopu, ki združuje javni in zasebni sektor znotraj regionalnih ekosistemov. Cilj je razviti digitalne zdravstvene rešitve, ki temeljijo na zaznanih dejanskih potrebah na trgu. V osrčju je soustvarjanje in medregionalno sodelovanjem med podporniki ekosistemov, zdravstvenimi organizacijami in IT podjetji. Namen pristopa je izboljšujati kakovost zdravstvenih storitev za državljane in okrepiti konkurenčnost MSP-jev v digitalnem zdravstvenem sektorju.

Namen HealthChain projekta je preoblikovati inovacije v digitalnem zdravstvu s sodelovanjem, soustvarjanjem in strokovnim znanjem MSP-jev po vsej Evropi.

Disclaimer: The HealthChain project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Unlock €50,000 in funding: HealthChain invites SMEs to co-create and pilot digital solutions with Leading SMEs and Healthcare Organisations

 HealthChain, a European project funded by the I3 Instrument is excited to announce its Open Call for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to address healthcare challenges identified by the healthcare organizations in the project.

HealthChain is seeking ten (10) follower SMEs to complement the expertise of the ten (10) leading SMEs and jointly co-create a solution addressing the specific innovation needs identified by the healthcare organisations in the consortium:

  • Servicio Murciano de Salud (Murcia, Spain)
    • K-control – Interdialysis potassium level intensive monitoring.
    • PASPADOC – A new holistic way to capacitate patients who suffer chronic pain.
  • Centro Hospitalar e Universitario de Coimbra (Centro, Portugal)
    • Reabilitar@mente – Effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation programs for hospitalized elderly people.
    • RecoMed – Boost medication safety in Plastic Surgery and Burns department!
  • Kirurski Sanatorij Rozna Dolina (Western, Slovenia)
    • HIPRO – Improving patients’ safety and empowerment after fast-tracking hip surgery.
    • MEPRO – Improving patients’ safety by assessing mental distress after surgery.
  • Klinicki Bolnicki Centar Rijeka (Primorsko-Goranska, Croatia)
    • FallPredict – Real-time patient monitoring during independent movements in the Hospital.
    • MediLink – Facilitating communication between specialists and family doctors in remote areas.
  • Stichting Rijnstate Ziekenhuis (East, Netherlands)
    • Digicare-Aware – Creating awareness amongst healthcare professionals about the necessity and possibilities of remote patients monitoring and the Virtual Care Center.
    • DELSIS – Determining the extent of lifestyle support to increase self-management.

You can find more information on each identified challenge here.

Benefits of Becoming a Follower SME:

  • Jointly co-create and pilot an innovative solution with a leading SME for a challenge identified by a healthcare organization.
  • Get the opportunity to work in an international partnership.
  • Access funding up to 50.000 EUR equity-free.
  • Get expert support on business modeling and market insights, and access to networks and resources.
  • Network with other European SMEs and explore opportunities for forthcoming projects.

Who can apply?

  • The applicants must be Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).
  • SMEs must be established within regions that are already part of the HealthChain consortium. SMEs must be from a different HealthChain Region than the Healthcare Organisation proposing the challenge.
  • Eligible regions: Murcia (Spain), Catalonia (Spain), Navarra (Spain), Castilla y León (Spain), Centro (Portugal), North (Portugal), any region in Slovenia, any region in Croatia, East and West Netherlands (The Netherlands), Western Greece, Flanders (Belgium) and North-West Romania.

How to apply for the call?

  • Read the Guidelines for Applicants here.
  • Download the Proposal template here.
  • Fill in the proposal template and save it in the PDF format once completed.
  • Go to the F6S platform to fill in the application form (applicants are required to register a profile at F6S to be able to apply). Upload the completed proposal in PDF format to the application form and answer all mandatory questions.
  • Submit the application form.

The HealthChain Call for SMEs is open until the 5th of August 2024, at 17:00 Central European Time (CET). The selection will be based on relevance, quality, cost effectiveness and impact.

An informative webinar will be held­­­­ to provide applicants with further details on who can express interest, the timeline, the submission process, etc.

For detailed information about the call, eligibility, and how to apply, please visit the HealthChain website at: https://healthchain-i3.eu/call-smes/.

About HealthChain

HealthChain model is based on an innovative approach that brings together the public and private sectors within regional ecosystems to develop demand-driven digital health solutions through co-creation and interregional cooperation between Ecosystem Supporters, Healthcare Organizations and IT companies. This innovative approach aims to improve the quality of healthcare services for citizens and boost the competitiveness of SMEs companies in the digital healthcare sector.

HealthChain is poised to transform digital health innovation through collaboration, co-creation, and the collective expertise of SMEs across Europe.

Disclaimer: The HealthChain project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.