Pridružite se nam na mednarodnem dnevu navdiha, ustvarjalnosti in sodelovanja na tradicionalnem dogodku Innovation day Ljubljana 2024.

SRIP  Zdravje – medicina v partnerstvu s SRIP Pametna mesta in skupnosti ter SRIP Tovarne prihodnosti, skupaj z Institutom “Jožef Stefan” ter v sodelovanju z EIT Manufacturing in EIT Health organiziramo letošnji dogodek Innovation day Ljubljana 2024, ki bo potekal 13. novembra v Ljubljani (Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana Mons, 4 Pot za Brdom 1000 Ljubljana).

Poudarek letošnje konference je na naprednih proizvodnih tehnologijah v pametnih mestih za izboljšanje zdravja skupnosti. Pripravite se na povezovanje z vodilnimi v panogi, poslušajte pronicljive predstavitve naših glavnih govornikov, prisluhnite njihovim pogledom na okroglih mizah ter odkrijte najnovejše inovacijske trende.

Ne zamudite priložnosti in se nam pridružite!

Dogodek bo potekal v angleškem jeziku. 


08:30 – 09:00 Registration & Admission

09:00 – 09:45 Opening & Welcome Addresses 

  • Igor Kovač, SRIP ToP, Jožef Stefan Institute
  • Marko Lotrič, President of the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia
  • Mark Boris Andrijanič, Member of the EIT Governing Board

09:45 – 11:20 Panel 1: Manufacturing – Moderation: Johannes Hunschofsky, EIT Manufacturing

  • Manufacturing Panel Opening
    Igor Kovač, 
    SRIP ToP, JSI and Johannes Hunschofsky, EIT Manufacturing
  • EIT Manufacturing Presentation
    Johannes Hunschofsky
    , EIT Manufacturing
  • The Importance of Materials in the Service of the Community and Humanity – The Example of Cancer Therapy
    Nina Kostevšek
    , Jožef Stefan Institute
  • General Application of Green Plasma Technologies in Environment and Medicine
    Fernando Alba Elías
    , UdLR
  • Applications of Robotics/Exoskeletons in Working and Other Environments
    Gordon Cheng
    , Technical University of Munich
  • Roundtable 1: Advanced Manufacturing Technologies in Smart Cities for a Healthy Living and Working Environment
    Nina Kostevšek, Fernando Alba Elias, Maja Brelih Lotrič, Gordon Cheng

11:20 – 12:00 Coffee Break

12:00 – 13:10 Panel 2: Smart Cities and Communities – Moderation: Theresa Neuhauser, EIT Manufacturing

  • Smart Cities and Communities Panel Opening
    Matjaž Logar,
     SRIP SC&C, JSI and Theresa Neuhauser, EIT Manufacturing
  • Ensuring a Healthy Ecosystem – Coexistence of Production, Community, and Environment
    Katharina Höftberger
    , Urban Innovation Vienna
  • The Importance of Monitoring Environmental Parameters for Humans (Quality of Water, Air, Soil)
    Milena Horvat
    , Jožef Stefan Institute
  • Optimization-Based Design, Scheduling, and Control of Buildings and Infrastructure Systems
    Mario Vašak
    , SZFE
  • Roundtable 2: Smart Cities and Communities for a Healthy Living and Working Environment
    : Katharina Höftberger, Matjaž Logar, Matjaž Rakovec, Milena Horvat, Mario Vašak


13:10 – 14:30 Lunch

14:30 – 15:55 Panel 3: Health – Moderation: Astrid Kaltenböck, EIT Health & Ferenc Pongracz, Innostars

  • Health and Medicine Panel Opening
    Alenka Rožaj Brvar
    , SIH EEIG and Astrid Kaltenböck, EIT Health
  • EIT Health Presentation
    Astrid Kaltenböck
    , EIT Health
  • Good Practice in the Development and Transfer of New Technologies to the Healthcare System
    Nick Guldemond
    , Leiden University Medical Center
  • An Example of Good Practice in the Implementation of Digitalisation in Medicine and Home Care
    Vojko Flis
    , UKC Maribor
  • Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Medicine
    Mark Pleško
    , Cosylab
  • Roundtable 3: Health and Medicine in the Context of Advanced Manufacturing and Smart Cities and Communities
    : Nick Guldemond, Vojko Flis, Mark Pleško, Ferenc Pongracz

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee Break

16:30 – 17:15 Integrated Roundtable: Advanced Manufacturing Technologies in Smart Cities for Enhanced Community Health – Moderation: Tjaša Zajc

Participants: Saša Bavec, Gordon Cheng, Katharina Höftberger, Nick Guldemond,

17:15 – 17:30 Closing Words – Johannes Hunschofsky, Astrid Kaltenböck, Matjaž Logar, Alenka Rožaj Brvar, Igor Kovač

17:30 Dinner Opening Address – Dejan Crnek, Deputy Mayor of the City of Ljubljana

17:30 – 19:00 Networking Dinner in Hotel





To make a hotel booking at the reduced rate for event participants, please follow the link:

Hotel(s) offering your special group rate

Special rate is available for bookings made until 25.10.2024.