Preseči moramo pokroviteljski odnos do starejših

Preseči moramo pokroviteljski odnos do starejših

Avtorica: Tonja Blatnik Direktorica Centra starejših Notranje Gorice od leta 2015,  kjer s številnimi inovativnimi projekti Izpolnjuje zadnje želje stanovalcev, Slovenka leta 2023, magistra socialnega dela, žena, mati, prostovoljka, zagovornica medgeneracijskega...
Patient health data ownership and mHealth management

Patient health data ownership and mHealth management

Author: Gorazd Hladnik, Health Lord (Gospodar Zdravja) Social and technological development are becoming faster and demanding adjustments of social subsystems, including healthcare. Ahead of us lie new and ever bigger challenges. While in the past, people emphasized...
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